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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Consult Our Experts

Conditions Treated with Physical Therapy

Physical Therapist Dr. BJ Nash

Dr. BJ Nash

Meet Our Providers


Is Physical Therapy Right For Me?

The answer is always yes! If you think you need physical therapy, whether you are just considering it or waffling on the fence about whether you should make an appointment, then that means you need physical therapy and should definitely get on our schedule.

Physical therapy is here to treat specific conditions, but it is also here to help you be a healthier human. So whether you have an ache or pain that just doesn’t seem like it will go away, want to learn how to lift more effectively, or want to add balance training so you don’t become a fall risk, we’ve got you!

Physical therapy can be a fantastic solution for a variety of conditions. Still, if you have specific questions about your condition, you can chat with one of our providers in a FREE discovery call!

What Can I Expect During My First Appointment?

For your first appointment, you can expect to fill out a questionnaire and intake form beforehand. Your provider will review this prior to your appointment and ask you questions for clarification once you come in.

From there, your Hive provider will explain what their evaluation will entail, and obtain consent before proceeding. Then, they will perform an evaluation that is specific to you and your concerns, looking at not only the direct area of concern, but also some of the surrounding areas. Generally, your provider looks at your range of motion, strength, coordination, joint mobility, tissue tone, and many other aspects.

As your provider performs their assessment, they will explain their findings and suggest a suitable treatment plan for your condition. You can expect treatment to begin thereafter, which could include manual therapy, manipulations, and exercise prescription. Finally, your session will end with an outline of what your plan of care will most likely look like from that point on, including a general idea of how many sessions you can expect.

This initial treatment plan and session count estimation will change throughout your course of care, as the providers at Hive continue to reassess you and your progress at each and every session—tailoring the treatments and care to your individual needs.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

This is a common question and is very challenging to answer as it depends on several factors. These factors include but are not limited to how well your body responds to the manual techniques, how compliant you are with your home program and behavioral modifications, and the frequency of treatment.

At the initial physical therapy consultation, your provider will give you a general session count; however, as your treatment progresses this session count will also change. The providers at Hive believe in clear and transparent communication, so they will always inform you why more or less sessions need to be added or taken away; based on their findings, your progress, and your goals.

What Should I Wear?

It is best to wear loose-fitting clothing that allows you to move comfortably, and that will allow your physical therapist to access the area of concern efficiently.

Wearing loose clothing is important so that the provider can see how you move and fully understand if any motions are inhibited due to muscle weakness, poor coordination, or joint restrictions. Clothing that allows the provider to see the entire area, not just the area of focus but also the surrounding structures, is also ideal for looking at tissue tone, scar assessment, and joint mobility.

Will Physical Therapy Hurt?

No, physical therapy should not hurt.

However, it is normal to experience soreness after some treatments and exercises. Physical therapy aims to stretch tight areas, strengthen weak areas, and improve coordination. To achieve these goals, we require the targeted area of your body to activate in a new and different way, which may cause some discomfort.

All Hive providers encourage their patients to share and report their experience with soreness in between sessions, so that if an excessive level of soreness or discomfort is experienced, the treatment and home program will be modified to prevent excessive soreness in future sessions.

Do You Treat My Condition?

This is a common question we are asked at Hive, and the answer is always yes! If you don’t believe us, then check out our pages for pelvic floor conditions and physical therapy conditions.

The providers at Hive have been treating patients for a long time; additionally, they have undergone extensive training after completing their doctoral degrees. As a result, there really isn’t anything they haven’t seen or treated. If you are unsure, Hive offers a FREE discovery call appointment with a provider to discuss your concerns, condition, and goals for physical therapy—and to decide if we are the right fit for you!

For any cost, appointment, or insurance-related questions, please refer to our FAQ page!

Hive Therapy and Wellness Locations